F.L.A.R.E. ( My Lupus Story)

-Avoid Sunlight-
Sunlight shines so brightly
What a beautiful sight
For a butterfly facial rash
Breakout as a red cheek blush
They want to break free
Rashes bright as a red tea
Invading that flawless skin
Leaving marks and spots of brown
-To almost getting bald-
Not one, not two but thousands
Of falling hair strands
Hair loss so shocking
Like a tree leaves falling
-Eventually, it stops-
Mouth sores keep coming
Gums are bleeding
Afraid it doesn't heal
Thought so cruel
-The body so weak and fragile like its shredding off-
Touch not that body
It feels achy and breaky
Excruciating pain upon waking
All throughout radiating
Fingers are going numb and sore
Hands feel so tender
Wrists are like tearing apart
Elbow aches to its breaking point
Shoulder seems painfully pinned
Chest feels so crushed
Backaches are punching
Flank pain is grating
Knees are weak and brittle
Painful and heavy ankle
Feet and toes are tingling
Don't dare walking
-So this is it-
Food is life so true
Appetite loss, no clue
Body losing its weight
Everything seems not right
-Lupus is on flare-
Lab results ain't normal
Lupus diagnosis is final
Anemia is detected
Pack of blood needed
From cutaneous to systemic
Isn't it perfect?
-Guard thy heart-
Don't break thy heart
It's striving hard to beat
As it keeps floating
And is effort struggling
In a tiny hidden shore
Of that body full of water
Urgent surgery required
Not so assured
But the only way
To survive anyway
-Hang on there-
Don't leave it breathless
Can't take that illness
If that's a bluff
Please turn it off
-not just that-
Another fluid-filled lung sac
Kindly clear that back
Take the will to overcome
Multi operation of a lifetime
-Brain fog is it?
Hey! Hey! Is she okay?
How is it going cephaly?
The doctor is in
So tell him how you're feelin'
Those sleepless nights
That flashes of lights
Is that the final destination?
Thinking of dying so soon
Altered thoughts from reality
So confused mentally
-Imagine you're in the state of...
Feeling Lousy And Really Exhausted
So grumpy, dopey and foggy
Feeling achy, ouchy, hurty and sleepy
Too much to bear
This chronic illness flare
A whole year-round
Just wanna thank the Lord
With his greatness
This Lady warrior
Is Unbreakable
A Persistent fighter
So coUrageous
And a Survivor
To God be the Glory!
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