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From A Scholar To A Proud Virtualahan Graduate

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“Entering the Virtualahan portal eases my struggling thoughts and emotions; It settles my heart and free my mind.”

It was 2019 when I learned about Virtualahan. That year I once dream to be part of it but it took me a year to finally decide to join. I was not hesitant but I doubted myself if I can make it. Well, I guess it was God’s will and perfect time to let me in and be part of team 36. Being part of this team is overwhelming. Meeting new friends virtually and getting to know each other by sharing our thoughts, opinions, differences, and experiences in life is so valuable that we build a great bond in the virtual world, and through that, we were able to form virtual companionship and good camaraderie.

As one of their chosen scholar, I can say that their scholarship is no joke as they have the best and well- equipped coaches in town. Our live class sessions are so much fun and filled with learnings. I was able to explore the ins and outs of the digital world, discover and develop new skills with the right attitude and proper mindset and learn jampacked of information from every lesson.

What did I learn, explore and discover from the five weeks of intensive training?

I. “Move On” - the most commonly used word in E-commerce that every one of us can relate to. It’s easy to move on but it’s hard to find products for your listings. I enjoyed E-commerce even though I’m not a fan of math. I found the course challenging and brain wrecking, but I learned a lot. Coach Japeth is an expert and is very detailed in sharing his knowledge and expertise and always make sure that no one is being left behind. It was a fun and informative learning experience in which I can say that I had developed my skill in the E-commerce field.

    II. “The Sheets and The Trigger” - I had a great time learning the basics, I do understand more the use of google sheets that I can use. Although it’s my first time to encounter Zapier, I was able to have knowledge of the application and understand how it works. It was a worthwhile learning experience with Coach Mike.

      III. “Know Your Style” - A born artist? oh, well it’s not me. I’m not good at arts, I don’t know how to do a good drawing. It’s not my forte I guess but how ironic that I love graphic design and video editing. The art and magic of computers make wonders. Exploring Canva and Camtasia with the help of the true-born artists is a wonderful learning experience. Thanks to Coach Ronniel and Dave.

        IV. “The Prospects” - I thought lead generation and email marketing is quite a hard task that I may find it hard to grasp the concept. But thanks to the expertise of Coach Lorna, she well explained the course and that I realize the value and importance of finding clients or customers, building trust with them for you to promote your products or services. Very detail-oriented that you can easily understand the concept. It’s a great learning experience with the coach.

          V. “Blogger” - A frustrated writer? Hmmm..that is what I think of myself. I’m fond of writing and I do it only for myself. It’s been my past time but I dream to become a real writer and publish my writings. Exploring WordPress I may say that I love and enjoy the course. It was more fun and exciting to me when the topic is all about content and copywriting. It lifted my spirits that I enjoy the class with Coach Jay Mar and Coach Lorna.

            VI. “What’s On My Mind” - to be honest, I only realize the concept of social media through Coach Precy as she introduces as to the real meaning of it. Well, true. It’s not just about posting whatever you want to post but it’s about building awareness to your brand, engaging with your audience, and eventually gain something from it. Now I’m more aware of what and how to post in my social media accounts.

              VII. “The Well-being” - bombarded with lots and unending quizzes and activities in our classes we still have time to relax our minds and free ourselves. Our well-being session allowed us to know ourselves better, open up and share everything we want to as everyone is willing to listen and accept you wholeheartedly no matter who and what you are. It’s a session with love and belongingness.

                Our coaches are very committed, dedicated to sharing their knowledge, time, and expertise with us. It was overall a fun-filled intensive learning experience. But, wait! there’s more to that. The training, our classes ends but the program continues as we underwent skills alignment and job coaching which gave us more insights about the online world, help us build more confidence to rock online. Their expertise is beyond measure and It feels great to be part of this team.

                I am very thankful that I came across Virtualahan where I can say I belong as a PWD who once lost hope and confidence, who once lost track in my career and don't even know how to start again. It is a dream come true for me. I found a community wherein everyone accepts you as who you are and embrace you despite your imperfections. A “fammunity” which helps and motivates you to become the best version of yourself. Virtualahan is true to its advocacy, goals, and purpose.

                From a proud scholar, I can now say that I am a proud Virtualahan graduate. I will be forever grateful. To God be the Glory!